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No matter how many acts of disrespect, acts of aggression, and even acts of terrorism Muslims end up committing, the far left continues to tell us that they’re a “religion of peace.” Unfortunately, during a recent college basketball game in Kansas in which one of the Muslim players disrespected our flag, people learned the hard way that this isn’t the case.

The Quran is unlike any other holy book in that it advocates for a tribal morality—rather than urging people to follow the “golden rule,” it urges followers to lie, cheat, steal, and even commit acts of violence against the “infidels,” or “non-Muslims.”
It should come as no surprise then that a Muslim basketball player at Garden City Community College in Garden City, Kansas, just decided to massively disrespect our anthem in the most disgusting of ways. Thankfully however, there was a lone patriot in the crowd who was completely fed up—and he decided to take action and make sure that this didn’t happen again.
“Jim Howard, of Garden City, Kansas, is a red-blooded, American patriot and a faithful supporter of the athletic program at the local community,” Todd Starnes of Fox News reports. So when he saw Rasool Samir, a 19-year-old Muslim player shooting hoops during the national anthem, he immediately grew red with fury.
Howard darted down the bleachers and immediately confronted the disrespectful player. “I walked onto the floor and I told the guy he should respect the flag, and if he’s not going to respect the flag, he should get off the court and get out of the gym,” Mr. Howard told the Todd Starnes Show.
“You should respect the flag. If you don’t respect the flag, just stay seated. Don’t make a big scene,” he said. “At least respect the people that paid for your scholarship to get you on this campus – like myself and everyone else in that gym.” To make matters worse, the Muslim player was also on a scholarship.
A police was then called into break things up, and thankfully, the crowd had enough common sense to realize what was going on—they immediately erupted into applause after seeing a courageous patriot putting a young, arrogant thug in his place. Many of them even shook his hand afterwards.
The Garden City Telegram reported that a police officer broke up the confrontation – telling Mr. Howard to return to his seat and escorting the player off the court.
When that happened, a number of people in the stands gave Mr. Howard a standing ovation and some fans even came over to shake the man’s hand.
It seems, they too – had had enough.
“Everyone around town was patting me on my back and saying thank you,” he said.
The following day Samir was dismissed from the team.
However, there are two versions as to what happened. The local newspaper says it was Samir’s decision to leave. But the American Civil Liberties Union claims the young man was kicked off the team.
The Kansas chapter of the ACLU fired off a letter to the community college demanding answers and claiming that Samir’s constitutional rights were violated.
“He refrained from participating in the national anthem because he is a Muslim and his faith prohibits acts of reverence to anything but God,” the ACLU wrote in a letter to the school.
Well, if that’s the case, why didn’t Samir stay inside the locker room with the rest of the team during the national anthem?
“Samir was engaged in protected First Amendment activity when he declined to observe the national anthem,” the ACLU wrote. “Moreover, Samir’s objection was motivated by his religious beliefs and thus, was protected on free speech exercise grounds.”
If, in fact, Samir’s Muslim faith prohibits him from honoring America and our flag, perhaps he might feel more comfortable playing basketball somewhere else? I hear the Iran and Saudi Arabia are quite lovely this time of year.
As for Mr. Howard, I’m not surprised to hear that many folks around town are giving him a pat on the back and shaking his hand. He did what every patriotic sports fan in the country has wanted to do.

 This was more than just “exercising his first amendment rights.” If it were simply about him respecting his religion, he would have simply stayed inside the locker room and prayed. Instead, he blatantly went out of his way to cause a ruckus during our national anthem—this was no mistake, mark my words.
He obviously did this intentionally, in order to broadcast just how little respect he has for this country. Of course the far left ACLU is defending him, but if there’s any justice in this country, he will stay off the team…permanently.

What do you think? Should this 19-year-old Muslim player on a scholarship be kicked off the team, or maybe even have his visa revoked? Let us know your thoughts.

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