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A disturbed woman is under arrest, after she attempted to enter an elementary school with an ax and threatened to kill everyone.

It did not get much attention from the media, but a woman police say was either high on drugs or has a mental issue (probably both)  tried to enter a Las Vegas elementary school with a pickax.
Kisstal Killough (pictured above) was seen by a number of students, teachers, and staff in the school parking lopt screaming about killing everyone while she carried an ax. She managed to scale a fence to enter the school when police confronted her.
No one was hurt, but a number of schoolchildren who saw the woman were upset.
A Las Vegas woman has been arrested after police say she scaled the fence of a local elementary school with a pickax in her hand.
Officer Eric Leavitt said Wednesday that Kisstal Killough appeared to be under the influence of an unspecified drug and was threatening to ‘kill everybody’ before she was jailed a little before noon on Tuesday.
Leavitt says Killough lives near Tom Williams Elementary School, and neighbors and school officials called police when they saw her pacing with the ax in the parking lot while some 200 children were in the school yard.
A patrol officer was in the area and responded to the school a minute later, ordering Killough to come down from the fence, reported Las Vegas Review-Journal. The woman complied and was apprehended.
‘It was so scary,’ fourth-grader Gael Duarte told ‘I heard a lady screaming, “I’m going to kill you.” I saw a lady screaming at all of us with an ax beside her.’
According to Leavitt, the suspect appeared to have mental health issues.
Killough was being held pending an initial court appearance at which she is expected to have an attorney appointed to represent her on felony assault with a weapon and misdemeanor trespass, nuisance and loitering charges.

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